In practice, it embodies as below: widespread illegal obtain evidence through extorting a confession by torture, custody measure deviating the principle of necessity, being serious in illegal custody after expiry, abuse one's power of search and detention. 在实践中表现为刑讯逼供等非法取证现象依然普遍;羁押措施的适用偏离必要性原则,且超期羁押现象严重与滥用搜查、扣押权。
The power to handle administrative cases is authorized to different subjects with the exception that major powers of administrative punishment such as depriving specific rights, confiscating, administrative detention, deporting someone out of Russia exclusively belong to a court. 将处理行政违法案件的权力明确授予几类不同主体,但重大的行政处罚权,如剥夺专门权利、没收、行政拘留、行政驱逐出俄罗斯联邦国境等,只归于法院;
In the due process model, the power of arrest, detention, prosecution, trial and conviction is imposed with severe restrictions. Therefore, the right of defense should be divided into various specific procedural rights, which provide constraints on each corresponding stage of criminal procedure. 在正当程序模式下,对逮捕、羁押、起诉、审判、定罪权力施加严格的限制,诉讼法把辩护权具体化为诸项诉讼权利,每一项权利在相应的程序阶段分别发挥权力制约功能。